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Poem book design

Design Challenge

In this project I designed a 16 page book of poems. The 5 chosen poems had to be all by one author of my choice and be primarily in English. Each poem will be in a different font: two in a san serif font, two in a serif font, and one in a script font. Color is acceptable, but no photos, illustrations or images other than typography.


The poet I chose is Christina Rosetti. Her poetry explores themes of suffering and religion as well as the inconstancy of romantic love, gender and sexuality, vanity of earthly pleasures, religious doubt, acceptance of death, and “the sublime.” I arranged 5 of her poems to tell a story of a progression from depression to hope. In the beginning, she expresses the mess of emotions, but she ends with the expression "I strain my heart, I stretch my hands, and catch at hope," which I felt was a great sentence to end on.

Tools Used

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe InDesign

Skills Explored

Visual Design



Multi-Page Layout


8 Weeks

poem 01 - from the antique

Poem 1-2 thumbnails_4.jpg
Poem 1-2 thumbnails_5.jpg


Poem 01 - From the Antique


Poem 1-2 Roughs5.jpg
Poem 1-2 Roughs6.jpg
Poem 1-2 Roughs7.jpg

Final version & Analysis

poem 02 - many in aftertimes will say of you


CamScanner 05-03-2020 17.11.26_1.jpg
CamScanner 05-03-2020 17.11.26_3.jpg
Poem 02 - Many in Aftertimes


Poem 5 Roughs2.jpg
Poem 5 Roughs3.jpg
Poem 5 Roughs4.jpg
Poem 5 Roughs5.jpg

Final version & Analysis

poem 03 - remember


Poem 1-2 thumbnails_1.jpg
Poem 1-2 thumbnails_2.jpg
Poem 03 - Remember
Poem 1-2 thumbnails_2.jpg
Poem 1-2 thumbnails_3.jpg


Poem 1-2 Roughs2.jpg
Poem 1-2 Roughs3.jpg
Poem 1-2 Roughs4.jpg

Final version & Analysis

poem 04 - A Better Resurrection


poem 4 thumbs_3.jpg
poem 4 thumbs_4.jpg
Poem 04 - A Better Resurrection


Poem 3-4 Roughs2.jpg
Poem 3-4 Roughs3.jpg
Poem 3-4 Roughs4.jpg

Final version & Analysis

poem 05 - de profundis


poem 4 thumbs_1.jpg
poem 4 thumbs_2.jpg
Poem 05 - De Profundis


Poem 3-4 Roughs7.jpg
Poem 3-4 Roughs6.jpg
Poem 3-4 Roughs8.jpg

Final version & Analysis

Book Layout


book layout thumbs_3.jpg
book layout thumbs_2.jpg
book layout thumbs_2.jpg
book layout thumbs_2.jpg

roughs v1

Poem Book Process copy.jpg
Poem Book Process2 copy.jpg
Poem Book Process2 copy.jpg
Book Layout

roughs v2

Poem Book Process copy.jpg
Poem Book Process2.jpg

Cover versions

Poem Book Layout v32.jpg
Poem Book Layout v33.jpg
Poem Book Layout v34.jpg

Final version & Analysis

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